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Christof Wortmann

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Christof Wortmann

Keine leichten Lebenslauf gehabt dennoch lebe Ich auf dieser Welt. Was ist Vertrauen eine Eigenschaft die man sich erarbeiten muß und nicht einem blind schen


Joined on February 2015

Have Used
66 Websites
Magic by

The fastest way to turn a webpage into a table of data


Know if your email was read at a glance. Add our double ticks to your Gmail or Google Apps for Work. Free and unlimited email tracking for read receipts.

Skype for Web

No more downloads required

Entrepreneur Tools

A collection of tools and resources for startups


NASA data, tools, and resources


Adobe is changing the world through digital experiences. We help our customers create, deliver, and optimize content and applications.

Microsoft Powerbi

Power BI transforms your company's data into rich visuals for you to collect ...

Microsoft FindTime

Discover the easiest way to find time to meet

Pinterest Engineering

The official Pinterest engineering blog.

Pinterest Developer API

Build an app that’s boosted with the power of Pinterest


Pinterest is a visual discovery tool that you can use to find ideas for all your projects and interests.

Twitter Engineering

Building the world's first real-time distributed public platform connecting people to their interests, events and each other.

Facebook Analytics

Cross-Device Mobile Analytics for Smarter Marketing

Canvas by Facebook

A new space for big ideas on Facebook

My Account from Google

Privacy and security controls, all in one place

Google Hangouts

Hangouts bring conversations to life with photos, emoji, and even group video calls for free. Connect with friends across computers, Android, and Apple devices.


Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia, created and edited by volunteers around the world and hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation.


An online desktop for keeping your bookmarks organized.

Theme Cards

Discover the best free responsive themes & templates

Monitor v2

Alert your entire team when your site goes offline.


Automatic cross browser layout testing

Your Browser Is

Check your customer's web browser

App vs. Website

Should you build an app or a website? Find out in less than a minute.

JSON Generator

Create mock and sample JSON using a powerful template syntax

Adobe Analytics

Access Adobe's three-phase guide to data-driven marketing and ditch the guesswork.

Real Player

RealTimes automatically creates beautiful Stories from your photos & videos. Edit them, share albums, and relive moments on any device. Get it free today!


When you find something you want to view later, put it in Pocket.


Shop for the latest software and technology products from the Microsoft Store. Experience the best of Microsoft with easy online shopping.


Bring your life's work together in one digital workspace.

Sourceforge SMPlayer

Free media player for Windows with built-in codecs and support for Youtube. Plays all video formats (AVI, MKV, MP4, WMV...) No codecs needed. Official site.

Recommended Websites Logo

Personalized workouts and nutrition plans. Get in shape quickly, and from home. Logo

Whether you're raging in a sweaty basement or just enjoying the freedoms afforded by living in America, FratMusic has a playlist for every essential situation. Logo

Crowdfire is one of the online marketing tools where you can have social media strategy and marketing. Logo
UX Timeline

See how some of today's best companies have evolved. Logo

Make a GIF with your most popular photos on Instagram. Logo

Dubsmash is a mobile app to create short selfie videos dubbed with famous sounds. Logo
the unbeatn path

Inspiring stories from dropouts. Logo
Pablo by Buffer

Create beautiful images to fit all social networks perfectly.