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32 Lists
Deans of IIT Kanpur

List of Official Websites of IIT Kanpur.

Stock Trading Blogs

The most popular and useful stock trading blogs.

Notes Gallery of IIT Kanpur

All the Study Materials You Need to Excel at IIT Kanpur.

Business News

Get all the Latest Business News, Economy News, banking news, market news, all business top headlines.

Services at IIT Kanpur

List of some of the essential services provided by IIT Kanpur.

To-Do (apps)

Apps and websites for creating and managing to-do lists.

Auto Expos

Automotive shows of the world.

Blogging Platforms

The best blogging sites and publishing platforms on the internet today.

Free Stock Videos

List of free stock videos websites.

Celebrity Magazines

Source for all the best celebrity magazines.

Law Universities in the World

List of universities for law degrees in the World.

MBTI Dating

Dating sites for MBTI fans and enthusiasts. Find out which MBTI personality matches you best on these MBTI based social networks and dating sites.

Email Clients (mac)

Desktop application software to send and receive emails on Mac.

Email Clients (windows)

Desktop application software to send and receive emails on Windows.

Magazines Search

Platforms where you can search magazines of your interests.

Bollywood Movie Reviews (sites)

List of bollywood movie reviews websites.

Resume & CV Tools

Resume & CV tools to help you build a world-class resume for your next opportunity.

Technology Blogs

World's leading sources for technology news, software and gadget reviews and everything related to tech.

Health Blogs

Blogs related to health and fitness.