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25 Lists
Animal Rights Organizations

A list of official websites of Animal Rights Organisations.

Email Clients (android)

Android apps to send and receive emails.

VPNs for Torrenting

A list of VPNs for Torrenting. Connect to torrent sites securely and access blocked torrent sites using these VPNs.

Email Clients (linux)

Desktop application software to send and receive emails on Linux.

News (official)

Latest news and live updates on politics, arts, entertainment, events in World sports and other feature stories.

Mail Merge (for Gmail)

Tools using which you can use Gmail to send mail merge campaigns and marketing/promotional emails at scale.

Campus Startup Incubators (official)

Campus Startup incubators with their official websites.

Subtitle Download Software

PC software to download subtitles from video files on a mac or windows computer.

Fashion Magazines

Websites of the most famous magazines all over the world.

NIT Durgapur Startups

This is a list of companies founded by the alumni and students of NIT Durgapur.

IIT Kanpur Engineering Departments

All of the academic engineering departments at IIT Kanpur.

Anonymous Messaging Apps

Anonymous feedback and messaging apps or websites. Create and spread your personal feedback URL to gather anonymous and honest feedback about you.

Technical Festivals in IITs

This is a list of technical festivals held in Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) throughout India.

MBTI Dating

Dating sites for MBTI fans and enthusiasts. Find out which MBTI personality matches you best on these MBTI based social networks and dating sites.

Celebrity Match

Find out which celebrity you look like!

European Olympiads

List of European Olympiads.