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WordPress is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL.


A Hindu spiritual and ascetic discipline widely practised for health and relaxation.

Wordpress Themes

Free download premium wordpress themes


Learn more about fauna.

Website Discovery

Portals that help people discover websites and explore the Internet.

Website Builders

List of website builders.


Everything related to webmail like webmail service providers, webmail clients, etc.

Web Development

Everything related to web development.

Web Development Forums

Sites for discussion related to web development.

Web Development Tutorials

Online resources for learning web development.

Web Hosting

List of web hosting providers.

Tech Companies

List of Tech Companies.



TV Channels

List of official sites of TV Channels.


How the world works?!


Everything about Search Engine Optimization, the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a web search engine.

Smart Shopping

Save money every-time you shop online using these websites, apps and tools for online coupons, deals, offers and discounts on online shopping.

Open Source

Websites and portals related to open source.

Online TV Series

Internet television (or online television) is the digital distribution of television content, such as TV shows, via the public Internet.

Online Streaming

List on online streaming services. Online streaming refers to watching movies, TV, etc. online and may include live video streaming as well.

Machine Learning Courses

Curated list of free Machine Learning courses.

Law Firms

A list of law firms, i.e. firms that help people and organizations with legal matters.


Everything related to hollywood.


Websites related to golf.

Email Clients

Applications to manage your emails.

Train Booking

Sites and portals for booking trains.


Everything related to traveling.

Startup Tools

Handy and useful tools for startups.

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