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50 Lists
Fashion Magazines

Websites of the most famous magazines all over the world.

Dating Apps

Top dating apps for finding your partners

Video Converters (tools)

Online Tools to convert Video Files.

PDF Converters (tools)

Online Tools for converting PDF Files.

Data Science Podcasts

A curated list of podcasts for Data Science.

Wordpress Themes (free)

List of free Wordpress themes.

Email Clients (android)

Android apps to send and receive emails.

Blogging Tools

Tools & resources to help you find the right keywords, images & influencers for a blog.

Email Templates

Find free newsletter templates on these sites. Customizable templates to create beautiful emails.

Email Follow-up (tools)

Tools that send friendly follow-up messages to your email recipients.

Animal Rights Organizations

A list of official websites of Animal Rights Organisations.

Environmental Organizations

Official websites of the top environmental organizations.

Recommender Systems (open-source)

This list contains most of the non-SaaS recommender systems that are open-source.

Q&A Sites

Websites and apps for asking and answering questions on the web.


List of all the world's airlines.


What's the weather?

Arms Manufacturers

Official websites of arms manufacturers.

SEO Tools

Reverse Email Search (tools)

Tools to find name and more information from an email address.

Health Blogs

Blogs related to health and fitness.

Technology Blogs

World's leading sources for technology news, software and gadget reviews and everything related to tech.