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48 Lists
PHP Frameworks

A List of PHP Frameworks.

Student's Gymkhana IIT Kanpur

List of all the websites of various clubs under Student's Gymkhana IIT Kanpur.

Startup News

Platforms for startups and entrepreneurs and their related stories, news, resources, research reports, etc.

Free Stock Photos

List of free stock photographs sites.


What's the weather?

To-Do (apps)

Apps and websites for creating and managing to-do lists.

Subtitle Converters (tools)

Convert file formats of subtitle files using these free tools.

UI Inspiration

Curated list of sites for UI Inspiration.

Wordpress Themes (free)

List of free Wordpress themes.

Local Services (apps)

Local classifieds and hyper local services for consumers.

Car Manufacturers

List of official websites of Car Manufacturers.

Dating Apps

Top dating apps for finding your partners

Agricultural Companies

Agriculture companies work on cultivation and breeding of animals, plants, seeds, fiber, biofuel, medicinal plants and other products used.

Email Clients (windows)

Desktop application software to send and receive emails on Windows.

Email Builders

Tools to build Beautiful emails, easy and fast. Drag and drop to customize, no coding required.

Email Spam Checking (tools)

Online tools to check if your emails are being marked as spam or if your domain has been blacklisted.