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50 Lists

List of official websites of public sector undertakings (PSUs) in India

Cultural Festivals in NITs

This is a list of cultural festivals held in National Institutes of Technology (NITs) throughout India.

Engineering Blogs of Companies

A list of engineering blogs of popular tech companies and start-ups.

Reservation & Online Booking Software (business apps)

Software for businesses to manage their online booking and reservation processes.

Resume & CV Tools

Resume & CV tools to help you build a world-class resume for your next opportunity.

Web Portals

Major web portals and Internet home pages.

Job Portals of Companies

Official job portals of companies.

Music Streaming (apps)

Websites and apps for listening to music online.

Reverse Email Search (tools)

Tools to find name and more information from an email address.

Books (online shopping)

Sites that sell books.

Environmental Organizations

Official websites of the top environmental organizations.

Web Design Companies

Official websites of web designing and development companies.

Messaging Apps

Messaging apps and texting tools for internet users for having conversations with friends, family and otherwise.