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9 Lists
Movies & TV Magazines

Find the latest film reviews, news and celebrity interviews, reviews awards, film festivals, box office, entertainment industry conferences.

Celebrity Magazines

Source for all the best celebrity magazines.

Law Universities in the World

List of universities for law degrees in the World.

Job Portals (apps)

Find numerous job opportunities using these portals. Make use of these sites and hunt your next job.

Student's Gymkhana IIT Kanpur

List of all the websites of various clubs under Student's Gymkhana IIT Kanpur.

Deans of IIT Kanpur

List of Official Websites of IIT Kanpur.

IIT Bombay Startups

A list of companies founded/co-founded by the alumni of IIT Bombay.

Bollywood Movie Reviews (sites)

List of bollywood movie reviews websites.

Hollywood News

Hollywood news and gossips.