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48 Lists
Data Science Podcasts

A curated list of podcasts for Data Science.

Hollywood News

Hollywood news and gossips.

NITK Startups

A list of 100+ companies, all founded by NITKians.

People Biographies

Websites where you can learn more about famous people, notable people and celebrities.

Movies & TV Magazines

Find the latest film reviews, news and celebrity interviews, reviews awards, film festivals, box office, entertainment industry conferences.

Email Spam Checking (tools)

Online tools to check if your emails are being marked as spam or if your domain has been blacklisted.

Movie Tickets (sites)

Websites for Online booking of movie ticket, Theatres near you & Showtimes.

Remote Jobs

Apply to Millions of job opportunities across top companies away from the office in a remote location.

Email Follow-up (tools)

Tools that send friendly follow-up messages to your email recipients.

Live Sports Streaming (apps)

Watch live sports streaming & get latest sports scores on these sites.

MBTI Dating

Dating sites for MBTI fans and enthusiasts. Find out which MBTI personality matches you best on these MBTI based social networks and dating sites.

Web Scraping (tools)

Web scraping (web harvesting or web data extraction) is data scraping used for extracting data from websites.

Scholarship Search Platforms

Best Scholarship Search Platforms available on internet.

Continuous Integration Tools

Tools, solutions and software for Continuous Integration, Delivery or Testing

URL Shorteners

A list of public URL shortening services. Shorten long URLs and see key metrics about your shared links.

Developer Communities

Popular online communities for developers.

Ruby Gems