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How Will Web3 Influence the Internet

Posted on March 30, 2023

If the internet was a town, then Web3 would be the talk of it. It is everywhere you look and all the experts are predicting the rise and rise of Web3 to continue in what for some looks like the most exciting technological development in years. The internet, in the grand scheme of things, is still a relatively new discovery and yet, in the 30 years or so that it’s been more widely accessible to the average Joe and Josephine, so much has changed.

When it first came to be, it looked as if the world wide web was going to be a perfect tool for democracy, a place where everyone’s voices and opinions could be heard, read and seen. And whilst some may argue that is the case, many will point out that more so, the internet and social media apps, more so mirror what offline society is like, with inequalities and differing weights of voice considered, too.

So is the development of Web3, with its potential for a less centralized web, the most exciting iteration of the internet yet? Here we will be looking over some of the ways that Web3 might influence the internet, as blockchain technology prepares to reach wider than ever before.

But first, how about a quick refresher on what Web3 is? Web3, also known as the decentralized web to some, is based on blockchain technology, which means it's more secure, more transparent, and less centralized than the current web. Crucially, there is no central authority controlling the internet and instead, it's defined by its peer-to-peer network where users have more control over their data and online identities. In theory, it’s a step closer towards digital democracy.


But how will Web3 influence the internet as we know it? Here are 4 ways in which it could or should affect the internet.


  1. Decentralization of ownership

Sticking on that point about decentralization, the way the ownership and control of the network is carried out means that users will have more autonomy online. In practice, this means that there is the potential to opt out of some of the heavily targeted ads that, in 2023, are so hard to escape from.

Elsewhere, this means that being stateless in terms of online presence, there will be no need for VPN sites and doing something that may have been impacted by certain restrictions such as watching geo-locked TV channels, visiting websites that are blocked, or even playing online roulette games on a casino platform will be possible no matter where in the world you are.


  1. Privacy 

Privacy online has become a huge talking point in recent years, especially with the rise of more targeted ads and issues in the news about GDPR. Privacy, therefore, being the human right that it is, has become a key part of Web3’s rise with many who feel that the internet’s current monitoring and large corporations’ insistence on tracking our habits are unjust.

With blockchain technology, users of the web have more control over their own data than before and this makes it way harder for third parties to access or sell it. This is a huge win for anyone who's concerned about their online privacy.


  1. Improved security when online

Even the tech-savvy ones among us must admit to having an inkling of doubt over some of the transactions we do online and the websites we visit. As much as you are fairly sure you are safe online, there is always an element of doubt, no matter how small it is. And when it comes to some of our loved ones who have perhaps not grown up with the internet and some of the dangers that it comes with, keeping them and their details safe can be a real worry.

Similar to the above point of privacy, blockchain technology is revered for being very secure and safe. It's much more difficult to hack or manipulate than the current web according to experts, meaning that fraud and cyber-attacks will be less frequent. More peace of mind means a more relaxed web and potentially one that is safer for all.


  1. Community

Our last point is to do with how Web3 is all about community. We have seen already how thousands of people who share the passion for the concept have been able to group together, pulling off real-life events, conferences and fundraisers - not to mention having huge followings on social media sites and YouTube alike.

The decentralized network of users who are committed to building a better internet is one thing they all have in common. The like-minded people who are key players in the rise of Web3 are connected by their vision to build a stronger, more collaborative online community than the internet has ever had up to this point.

Thanks to the rise of Cryptocurrencies alongside Web3, there is a history of people rallying around these new concepts in a manner which opposes the status quo and the community aspect of Web3 might just, therefore, be the strongest and most important influence it has on the internet as we know it.

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