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33 Lists
Business Podcasts

Sites for listening to business related podcasts.

Car Manufacturers

List of official websites of Car Manufacturers.

Resume Writing Services

List of companies that offer resume writing services.

Celebrity Match

Find out which celebrity you look like!

Cricket Organizations

Official websites of the most popular cricketing organisations.

Game Jams

A game jam is a hackathon for video games. A game jam may be centered on a theme, which all games developed within the jam must adhere to.


List of official websites of National Law Universities (NLUs) in India

Startup News

Platforms for startups and entrepreneurs and their related stories, news, resources, research reports, etc.

Technical Festivals in NITs

This is a list of cultural and technical festivals held in National Institutes of Technology (NITs) throughout India.

CSS Preprocessors

A CSS preprocessor is a program that lets you generate CSS from the preprocessor's own unique syntax.

Car Pooling (apps)

Websites and apps for car pooling.

Create Subtitles

List of tools for creating or editing subtitles.

Video Chat (apps)

Best apps for free video calls and video chats. Video-chat apps help you connect with friends and family in a better way.

Bollywood Movie Reviews (sites)

List of bollywood movie reviews websites.