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139 Topics
Business Intelligence

Everything related to business intelligence.


Essentials for a blogger.

Apps & Software

All types of software products - desktop software, business software, web applications and mobile apps.


Animation is a way of making a movie from many still images.

Advertising Platform

Software and tools for digital advertising. Excludes Ad Networks.


Windows Tutorials

Websites for Windows tips and tutorials.

Website Discovery

Portals that help people discover websites and explore the Internet.

Website Builders

List of website builders.


Everything related to webmail like webmail service providers, webmail clients, etc.

Web Development

Everything related to web development.

Web Development Forums

Sites for discussion related to web development.

Web Development Tutorials

Online resources for learning web development.

Web Hosting

List of web hosting providers.

Web Browsers (Extensions)

Extensions of various browsers like Chrome, Firefox & Safari.

Web Browsers

Ultimate list of web browsers.

Visual Basic

Visual Basic (VB) is a programming environment from Microsoft in which a programmer uses a graphical user interface (GUI) to choose and modify section of code.

Video Streaming

Streaming video is content sent in compressed form over the Internet and displayed by the viewer in real time.

TV Shows

A television program is a segment of content intended for broadcast on over-the-air, cable television, or Internet television.



TV Shows, TV Series, TV Channels, Online TV.


Free Online Tutorials and Courses - Collection of technical and non technical, Free tutorials and reference manuals.

TV Channels

List of official sites of TV Channels.

Tech Companies

List of Tech Companies.

Startup Tools

Handy and useful tools for startups.

Software Development

Everything related to software development.

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