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50 Lists
IIT Kanpur Startups

Companies founded/co-founded by IITKians.

Fashion (online shopping)

Sites and apps that sell fashion products.

Business News

Get all the Latest Business News, Economy News, banking news, market news, all business top headlines.

State Police Services (India)

The State Police Services (SPS) are police services under the control of respective state governments of the States and territories of India.

Personal Websites of Athletes

Websites of sportsman or sportswoman who are good at their sport.

Movie News

See the latest movie news & rumors from the entertainment world & news on the movies you're most interested in seeing.

IIT Delhi Startups

List of companies founded/co-founded IIT Delhiites.

Live Social Streaming (apps)

Sites and apps to discover talented broadcasters, watch live streams and video chat live with people from around the world.

Ministries of Government of India

Official websites of ministries of Government of India.

Graphic Design Tools

Graphic design tools and softwares for image editing and creating infographics.

Email Clients (windows)

Desktop application software to send and receive emails on Windows.

Email Templates

Find free newsletter templates on these sites. Customizable templates to create beautiful emails.

Messaging Apps

Messaging apps and texting tools for internet users for having conversations with friends, family and otherwise.

Developer Podcasts

Websites for listening to developer podcasts.