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21 Lists
Talent Search Exams

List of Talent Search Exams.

Music Streaming (apps)

Websites and apps for listening to music online.


What's the weather?

Email Clients (webmail)

Webmail (or web-based email) is any email client implemented as a web application running on a web server.

Screen Sharing (apps)

Find out how to share your screen with your friends and colleagues, so you can see the same images at the same time.

Movies & TV Magazines

Find the latest film reviews, news and celebrity interviews, reviews awards, film festivals, box office, entertainment industry conferences.

Job Portals of Companies

Official job portals of companies.

Internship Portals (apps)

Portals for finding and applying for internships.

Aerospace Companies

Companies that are involved in the various aspects of designing, building, testing, selling, and maintaining aircraft, aircraft parts, missiles, rockets, etc.

Email Newsletters

Tools for Email Newsletters. Build, test and send newsletters to your customers.

Hollywood News

Hollywood news and gossips.


A hackathon (also known as a hack day, hackfest or codefest) is a design sprint-like event in which computer programmers are involved in software development.

Business Intelligence (tools)

Tools and software related to business intelligence.

Video Chat (apps)

Best apps for free video calls and video chats. Video-chat apps help you connect with friends and family in a better way.

Image Editing (apps)

Apps for editing images

Personal Websites of Designers

List of personal websites of designers.