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50 Lists
Create Subtitles

List of tools for creating or editing subtitles.

Movies & TV Magazines

Find the latest film reviews, news and celebrity interviews, reviews awards, film festivals, box office, entertainment industry conferences.

Bollywood Movie Reviews (sites)

List of bollywood movie reviews websites.

Hotel Booking (apps)

Sites and portals for booking hotels.

IIT Kanpur Inter-disciplinary Programs

All of the academic Inter-disciplinary Programs at IIT Kanpur.

Developer Blogs

Blogs and tutorials that cover everything related to developers.

Events at IIT Kanpur

List of all the official websites of Festivals held at IIT Kanpur.

Football Clubs

List of top Football Clubs official websites

Health Blogs

Blogs related to health and fitness.

Services at IIT Kanpur

List of some of the essential services provided by IIT Kanpur.

Car Manufacturers

List of official websites of Car Manufacturers.

Online Schools in US (official)

Following is a list of virtual schools—coursework from an accredited private school or accredited not-for-profit or publicly funded institution in United States

Business Intelligence (tools)

Tools and software related to business intelligence.

Reservation & Online Booking Software (business apps)

Software for businesses to manage their online booking and reservation processes.

Corporate Law Firms

Law firms that help corporations and startup companies with legal matters.

Magazines Search

Platforms where you can search magazines of your interests.

Time Tracking (apps)

Tools and apps that can help you track and manage your time.

Appointments and Scheduling Software (business apps)

Business software to manage appointments and schedule of executives and professionals.

Find Company Emails (tools)

Tools to find email addresses associated with a given domain name. Find email ids of employees and executives of any company.