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27 Lists
Horse Magazines

Websites of all the top Horse Magazines.

Python Podcasts

Popular Python podcasts for learning new concepts and stay updated.

Hotels (official)

List of official websites of hotels, lodges, inns and resorts.

Engineering Blogs of Companies

A list of engineering blogs of popular tech companies and start-ups.

Jewellery (online shopping)

Sites that sell jewellery.

Wedding (online shopping)

Sites and apps for wedding shopping.

Unicorn Startups (companies)

An ongoing list of unicorn companies from all over the world valued at $1B or more.

Continuous Integration Tools

Tools, solutions and software for Continuous Integration, Delivery or Testing

Email Templates

Find free newsletter templates on these sites. Customizable templates to create beautiful emails.

Reverse Email Search (tools)

Tools to find name and more information from an email address.

Business Podcasts

Sites for listening to business related podcasts.

Free Stock Photos

List of free stock photographs sites.

Email Clients (webmail)

Webmail (or web-based email) is any email client implemented as a web application running on a web server.

Music Streaming (apps)

Websites and apps for listening to music online.

Create Subtitles

List of tools for creating or editing subtitles.