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25 Lists
Photography Tools

Tools and software related to photography.

Email Frameworks

Popular HTML Frameworks to quickly develop beautiful HTML emails

Email Builders

Tools to build Beautiful emails, easy and fast. Drag and drop to customize, no coding required.

Cross-Browser Testing Tools

List of tools that help you test sites, blogs and web applications across different browsers and their versions.

Wedding (online shopping)

Sites and apps for wedding shopping.

Recommender Systems (SaaS)

A list of SaaS tools that allow you to push content recommendation to your users and enable personalization based on user interests.

Programming Contests

List of Organizations hosting programming competitions on a regular basis.

Find Company Emails (tools)

Tools to find email addresses associated with a given domain name. Find email ids of employees and executives of any company.

Email Clients (linux)

Desktop application software to send and receive emails on Linux.