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50 Lists
Free VPN Providers

List of free VPN providers.

Game Jams

A game jam is a hackathon for video games. A game jam may be centered on a theme, which all games developed within the jam must adhere to.

Technical Festivals in NITs

This is a list of cultural and technical festivals held in National Institutes of Technology (NITs) throughout India.

Indian Government Departments

List of official websites of Indian Government Departments.

Subtitle Download Software

PC software to download subtitles from video files on a mac or windows computer.

Health & Fitness (online shopping)

Shop for fitness and health related products.

Q&A Sites

Websites and apps for asking and answering questions on the web.

Indian Conglomerates

A list of India's 60 most diversified and popular conglomerate companies and business houses.

NITK Startups

A list of 100+ companies, all founded by NITKians.

Photography Tools

Tools and software related to photography.

Meme Generators (tools)

Online tools to make memes.

Python Podcasts

Popular Python podcasts for learning new concepts and stay updated.

News (official)

Latest news and live updates on politics, arts, entertainment, events in World sports and other feature stories.

Web Design Companies

Official websites of web designing and development companies.

Screen Recording (apps)

A list of popular screen recording apps.

PDF Converters (tools)

Online Tools for converting PDF Files.

Video Converters (tools)

Online Tools to convert Video Files.

Movie Tickets (sites)

Websites for Online booking of movie ticket, Theatres near you & Showtimes.

Fashion Magazines

Websites of the most famous magazines all over the world.

Regular Expressions (tools)

Developer tools to help you learn, build, debug and test regular expressions.

Email Templates

Find free newsletter templates on these sites. Customizable templates to create beautiful emails.