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39 Lists
Medical Universities in the World

List of Medical Universities all over the World.

Business News

Get all the Latest Business News, Economy News, banking news, market news, all business top headlines.

Fashion (online shopping)

Sites and apps that sell fashion products.

Messaging Apps

Messaging apps and texting tools for internet users for having conversations with friends, family and otherwise.

URL Shorteners

A list of public URL shortening services. Shorten long URLs and see key metrics about your shared links.

Hotels (official)

List of official websites of hotels, lodges, inns and resorts.

Screen Sharing (apps)

Find out how to share your screen with your friends and colleagues, so you can see the same images at the same time.

Aerospace Companies

Companies that are involved in the various aspects of designing, building, testing, selling, and maintaining aircraft, aircraft parts, missiles, rockets, etc.

To-Do (apps)

Apps and websites for creating and managing to-do lists.

Email Clients (webmail)

Webmail (or web-based email) is any email client implemented as a web application running on a web server.

Indian State Governments

List of Official websites of Indian State Governments.

Business Intelligence (tools)

Tools and software related to business intelligence.

Developer Blogs

Blogs and tutorials that cover everything related to developers.

Continuous Integration Tools

Tools, solutions and software for Continuous Integration, Delivery or Testing