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50 Lists
Hotels (official)

List of official websites of hotels, lodges, inns and resorts.

Business Magazines

Official sites of online and offline business magazine companies.

Video Chat (apps)

Best apps for free video calls and video chats. Video-chat apps help you connect with friends and family in a better way.

NITK Clubs

List of Various Clubs of NITK Surathkal.

IIT Kanpur Startups

Companies founded/co-founded by IITKians.

Email Newsletters

Tools for Email Newsletters. Build, test and send newsletters to your customers.

Aerospace Companies

Companies that are involved in the various aspects of designing, building, testing, selling, and maintaining aircraft, aircraft parts, missiles, rockets, etc.

Hotel Booking (apps)

Sites and portals for booking hotels.

Cross-Browser Testing Tools

List of tools that help you test sites, blogs and web applications across different browsers and their versions.

Blogging Platforms

The best blogging sites and publishing platforms on the internet today.

Live Social Streaming (apps)

Sites and apps to discover talented broadcasters, watch live streams and video chat live with people from around the world.

Coworking Spaces in Chandigarh

List of co-working spaces in Chandigarh, Panchkula and Mohali.

Indian Armed Forces

List of official websites of Indian Armed Forces.

Indian Government Departments

List of official websites of Indian Government Departments.

Programming Contests

List of Organizations hosting programming competitions on a regular basis.

Jewellery (online shopping)

Sites that sell jewellery.

Web Portals

Major web portals and Internet home pages.