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28 Lists
Online Code Editors

Sites for coding, compiling and running computer programs online.

Job Portals of Companies

Official job portals of companies.

Q&A Sites

Websites and apps for asking and answering questions on the web.

Technology Blogs

World's leading sources for technology news, software and gadget reviews and everything related to tech.

Appointments and Scheduling Software (business apps)

Business software to manage appointments and schedule of executives and professionals.

IIT Kanpur Engineering Departments

All of the academic engineering departments at IIT Kanpur.

Python Podcasts

Popular Python podcasts for learning new concepts and stay updated.

Books (online shopping)

Sites that sell books.

Stock Trading Blogs

The most popular and useful stock trading blogs.

Native Ad Networks

Native ad networks allow publishers to display ads on their sites and app that look and feel like content or theme of the site itself.

Free VPN Providers

List of free VPN providers.

UI Inspiration

Curated list of sites for UI Inspiration.

Auto Expos

Automotive shows of the world.

Recommender Systems (open-source)

This list contains most of the non-SaaS recommender systems that are open-source.

Email Frameworks

Popular HTML Frameworks to quickly develop beautiful HTML emails