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49 Lists
NITK Startups

A list of 100+ companies, all founded by NITKians.

Energy Companies

List of Energy Companies

Agricultural Companies

Agriculture companies work on cultivation and breeding of animals, plants, seeds, fiber, biofuel, medicinal plants and other products used.

NITK Clubs

List of Various Clubs of NITK Surathkal.

IIT Kanpur Inter-disciplinary Programs

All of the academic Inter-disciplinary Programs at IIT Kanpur.

IIT Kanpur Engineering Departments

All of the academic engineering departments at IIT Kanpur.

NIT Trichy Startups

This is a compiled list of the Start-Ups founded/co-founded by the alumni and students of NIT Trichy.

Find Company Emails (tools)

Tools to find email addresses associated with a given domain name. Find email ids of employees and executives of any company.


What's the weather?

Free VPN Providers

List of free VPN providers.

Subtitle Converters (tools)

Convert file formats of subtitle files using these free tools.

Create Subtitles

List of tools for creating or editing subtitles.

Antivirus (software)

List of all anti-virus and security software.

Anonymous Messaging Apps

Anonymous feedback and messaging apps or websites. Create and spread your personal feedback URL to gather anonymous and honest feedback about you.

Decacorn Startups (companies)

An ongoing list of decacorn companies from all over the world valued at $10B or more.

Deans of IIT Kanpur

List of Official Websites of IIT Kanpur.

Technical Festivals in IITs

This is a list of technical festivals held in Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) throughout India.

Magazines Search

Platforms where you can search magazines of your interests.